Storage Analyzer & Disk Operation displays information on sdcard, usb bias, external and internal storehouse in a simple and clear graphical form( infographics).
Penetrating device storehouse and USB drives
Operation reads from the device storehouse list of lines and train-specific data( name, path, size, last modified date, train exercise) in order to make device statistics and display it in a form of report and train operation illustration( pie map, sunburst map).
Penetrating pall drives
Operation allows druggies to connect pall drives( Google Drive, Dropbox,Yandex.Disk).
Penetrating device Installed operations
The Operation doesn’t bear any stoner enrollment. The Operation doesn’t bear the stoner to give any particular information.
Lines operation Visualization
Сentral map sector is a current directory. Its represented by a circle. The rest of the sector is the subfolders and lines. Click on the sector to go deeper. Operation draws nested situations with a head of preliminarily named sector.
Global Hunt
Quick Hunt exertion shows the result of hunt or a content of a chosen order.
Long clicking on the train shows environment menu with a open, delete or share train.
Long click on the order or extension will put contained lines to the Quick Hunt runner.