WeFlex lets you fake videotape converse with Post Malone, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Pewdiepie and numerous further. Just take screenshots and flex on your musketeers.
≈ notorious Mode ≈
Wisecrack and prank your musketeers & family into thinking you ’re FaceTiming with a celebrity, athlete, youtuber and numerous further. Once you ’ve created your fake screenshot, partake your creation on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram and watch your musketeers reply!
Try it out and let us know who to add coming!
unborn features
-Multiple orders
-Multiple celebrities from other countries
– Capability to have a group call.
– Capability to shoot fake textbook dispatches to a celebrity.
– caricature call
-fake videotape call on whatsapp
-fake videotape calling notorious people