Over a million preceptors worldwide trust TeacherKit with managing their time and conditioning. TeacherKit aims to be your class companion, from maintaining a gradebook and taking attendance to geste
operation and progress reports. The intuitive interface allows all this to be done with quick gates and swipes, generating data visualizations on the cover, both for whole classes and individual scholars. The pupil- profile system makes reaching scholars and their parents a breath, and the decoration interpretation adds the capability to shoot detailed progress reports, complete with geste
and attendance breakdowns.
crucial TeacherKit Features
* Organize your classes
* Import your pupil canon
* Add your schedule
* Log pupil’s attendance
* produce and publish a seating map for your scholars
* Add geste
notes for scholars
* produce a grading schema and record scholars’ grades
* Stay informed on your pupil’s performance and the class overall progress
* Keep the parents informed